Friday 25 May 2007

Most of you probably know by now...

but I am pregnant again - baby number 2 is ten weeks in the making and seems to be doing well - although I am being very yukky at the moment. This pregnancy feels very different already to the one I had with Nathanael.

We have a scan on the 8th June when baby is 12 weeks so it will be wonderful to see it's little body and stuff. I get so excited about this.

It's wonderful being a mum, I think the most challenging but amazing calling I have been asked to take on. I was talking to my dad today and was reminded of something I was feeling last night about being a parent, and that is I feel so privileged to be trusted with not one but two children and who knows how many. Nathanael is beginning to walk a few paces and get so excited - his smile is so infectious and makes me want to cry happy tears everytime I see it!!

Pete took Nat into nursery this morning and waiting for my son were 3 little girls all shouting his name as he came into the play area!!! How cute is that.

Baby number 2 is due on 20th December. My heavenly christmas present - God is amazing in his gifts and grace. I feel this is significant. I don't know why I just do. Anyway Pete's sister and brother in law will be over from france for christmas and I am really hoping my sister, brother in law and their two children will be over from Egypt - that would really be wonderful. I can't imagine anything better than having all the families together to give nat attention and to welcome our new child into this world!!!

Anyway I was bursting to say all this and thought that i haven't posted anything for ages so there you go!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a bit good this news. (Of course I would say that :) ) Love you very much Button xx.