Monday 28 May 2007

That's the way it goes.

Not only am I having continual morning sickness for most of the day - I have picked up some kind of flu like bug - !! Hurrah!! Just want I always wanted!

Am feeling a little fed up today as you may have noticed. Nevermind, just going to have to ride it out and hopefully won't be too sick.

Nathanael is doing some washing for mummy at the moment. Well at least he has been trying to get into the washing machine himself - bless. It's very sweet cos he empties his washing bin and attempts to put his washing in a closed machine most of the time - bless him. He is nearly walking now and makes good attempts every day.

Friday 25 May 2007

Most of you probably know by now...

but I am pregnant again - baby number 2 is ten weeks in the making and seems to be doing well - although I am being very yukky at the moment. This pregnancy feels very different already to the one I had with Nathanael.

We have a scan on the 8th June when baby is 12 weeks so it will be wonderful to see it's little body and stuff. I get so excited about this.

It's wonderful being a mum, I think the most challenging but amazing calling I have been asked to take on. I was talking to my dad today and was reminded of something I was feeling last night about being a parent, and that is I feel so privileged to be trusted with not one but two children and who knows how many. Nathanael is beginning to walk a few paces and get so excited - his smile is so infectious and makes me want to cry happy tears everytime I see it!!

Pete took Nat into nursery this morning and waiting for my son were 3 little girls all shouting his name as he came into the play area!!! How cute is that.

Baby number 2 is due on 20th December. My heavenly christmas present - God is amazing in his gifts and grace. I feel this is significant. I don't know why I just do. Anyway Pete's sister and brother in law will be over from france for christmas and I am really hoping my sister, brother in law and their two children will be over from Egypt - that would really be wonderful. I can't imagine anything better than having all the families together to give nat attention and to welcome our new child into this world!!!

Anyway I was bursting to say all this and thought that i haven't posted anything for ages so there you go!


Thursday 3 May 2007

I haven't forgotten, honest

This is a post just to let everyone know that I haven't forgotten my blog - hurrah!! However, I haven't had time to write anything down just recently....sorry about that.

Hope everyone is okay
