Monday 23 April 2007

Stop The Traffik

This is a website I found after going to see Blood Diamond. I don't know if anyone has seen this film, but it is incredible, heart rending and breath taking. It is about the diamond trade and how rebels in Africa take slaves to dig in atrocious conditions for diamonds to be sold to the west. This film also covers the disturbing issue of child soldiers.

I found it very difficult to watch and was in tears for quite a bit of it. Although this film was fiction, however, it struck home to me that whilst we are going about our daily lives, people in the third world are beign sold into slavery and children are being brainwashed and forced to kill their fellow people, given drugs and see and experience many other atrocities, that we can't even imagine.

I had to do something or at least begin to do something!

Back to Stop the Traffik. I would be grateful if you would look at this website and if nothing else aim to take part in the chocolate campaign and aim to buy chocolate that isn't made from cocoa beans that have been gleaned by trafficked children and adults. There is a list on the website of all the chocolate that is 'fairly traded'.

Thank you


Well here we go again

They say that it's third time lucky but this is my fourth attempt!! - can you imagine all those half started blogs out there in the etha of internet-ness all forgotton and ignored!! It's a shame it really is. I hope to really make a go of this one. welcome to my blog.

I hope you enjoy looking around it - once I have actually posted something that may be of interest, and I would be very happy for your comments and ideas also. I can't guarantee I will see them because I may have lost all the passwords and things by then but you never know huh!!!

Stay in touch


p.s. anyone got any idea what my husbands blog address is cos I haven't a clue!!